Laurel Acres Park
1045 S Church St
Mt. Laurel, NJ 08054
Days and Times:
Tuesdays: 5:30 pm
Thursdays: 5:30 pm

(Weather permitting)
Dee is hosting walks around the lake at Laurel Acres Park three days a week, weather permitting. 

This event is a healthful way to meet new friends, socialize safely and enjoy the outdoors. So, take advantage of this opportunity!

Dee is creating a list of members that want to participate. If there is bad weather or a change in plans, Dee will send an email the day before the walk. 

If you would like to be on Dee’s mailing list, email her at Receivegoodvibes@gmail.com

Walkers can meet at the designated time in the large pavilion back by the restrooms (See the photo to the lower right). 

The more the merrier and walk around the lake as many times as you want!
Dee at Receivegoodvibes@gmail.com
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Walk in the Park
(Weather permitting)
At Laurel Acres Park

Fantastic Single Seniors
Formerly Fantastic 50+ Singles Social Club